Thursday, August 30, 2012

Solving problem with Update Manager in Ubuntu 12.04

Yesterday I got a problem in my Ubuntu 12.04 machine after downloading few third party softwares. The Update Manager was giving the error...
"E:Encountered a section with no Package: header,
E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/in.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_main_binary-i386_Packages,
E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened."
I tried different things like removing the newly added entries in /etc/apt/sources.list but it didn't work.
Then, I removed all the available listings in the directory.. /var/lib/apt/lists and updated the list using apt-get update and to my surprise it worked!
Remember, you need to do all the above operations as sudo!

Just posted if you would find it helpful and not waste time in trying different crazy things to fix this, like I did! :P :)

Thanks. Comments are welcome!