Friday, September 14, 2012

Resolving issues with Eclipse on Ubuntu upgrade

Hi folks,
Today I did a partial upgrade of my Ubuntu and after that, to my surprise, Eclipse stopped working properly.
It gave an error saying...
"An internal error occurred during: "Compute launch button tooltip".org/eclipse/cdt/core/model/CoreModel"
... while I was trying to run my Java App.
Re-install of Eclipse didn't work from Ubuntu Software Center, neither did it work from Terminal.
Even apt-get install eclipse-platform --fix-missing didn't fix the issue.
After going through several posts, I found that a package called tzdata-java has to be re-installed.
So, apt-get --reinstall install tzdata-java finally worked.
This was just the condensed information from different sources and not my discovery! Posted here so that it might be useful to someone.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Memory allocation upon malloc() in C

Hi All,
Many of you would have already known how memory allocation happens when malloc() function is used in C language. This article is just the gist of my study on malloc() function.

What happens when you invoke malloc()?
When the C compiler sees malloc(4) function in the program, it requests the underlying OS (Operating System) to allocate 4 bytes and the OS, upon allocation, returns the block containing the address to the next block in the memory + the starting address of the memory allocated + the size of the block (here 4 bytes), rounded off to the multiples of size of the most restricted datatype on the machine.

int *p;

These are separated by 16 bytes, on my 32-bit machine! Please find the math for this below.
I will try to illustrate it with another bigger example there and put math of both examples together.

What is the most restrictive datatype?
For each machine, there is a most restrictive type. It is not unique and varies on different machines. It means that if you can store the most restricted datatype in an address, you can store any primitive type. Generally it will be double (as it is on my machine) but I read somewhere that it can be int or float too.

Yet another example, with calculations?
Consider creating the following structure and allocate memory using malloc() function.
struct test
char c;
char f;
int a;
int b;
float d;
double e;
double g;
double h;
double i;
int main()
struct test *t;
t=(struct test*)malloc(sizeof(struct test));
printf("%d\n",sizeof(struct test));
t=(struct test*)malloc(sizeof(struct test));
t=(struct test*)malloc(sizeof(struct test));
t=(struct test*)malloc(sizeof(struct test));
t=(struct test*)malloc(sizeof(struct test));
t=(struct test*)malloc(sizeof(struct test));
return 0;
Reason goes here...
On a 32-bit machine, char occupies 1 byte, int and float, 4 bytes while double occupies 8 bytes. So the structure essentially needs 46 bytes but 48 bytes are allocated because it should be in the multiples of (8 bytes - most restricted datatype, double on a 32-bit machine).
Now, on a 32-bit machine, each word is addressed by 32 bits (==4 bytes). So, as per the explanation given above w.r.t. block returned by malloc(), it has to return the address to next block (4 bytes) + address of allocated block (4 bytes) + size of structure (48 bytes), i.e. 56 bytes. This is the reason why we got addresses separated by 56 bytes for each allocation!

Similar math follows for the first example I quoted...
On a 32-bit machine, int occupies 4 bytes, but address to the next block (4 bytes) and address of the currently allocated block (4 bytes) add up to it making it 12 bytes. But the actual memory allocated must be in the multiples of most restricted datatype on the underlying machine which is double ( 8 bytes) and hence 16 bytes are allocated.

Hope this information will be useful to you all. I would like to have your comments/feedback on this. I am open for discussion on this topic! :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Presenting my blog on Java programming

Hi All,
Apart from the technical ideas and articles of mine in this blog, I am also presenting you all another blog of mine, which is dedicated to Java programming.
Please visit the blog for any queries w.r.t. Java programming.
